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“Perception”: An Artistic Expression by Way of a Giant Mural Across 50 Buildings in Cairo

Tunisian-French artist eL Seed spray paints a message in Arabic “calligraffiti” across 50 buildings in the neighborhood of Manshiyat Nasr in Cairo. The message: “If one wants to see the light of the sun, he must wipe his eyes.”

The artist states the quote represents the importance of withholding judgment based on circumstances. He hopes, through the mural, to get people to see past physical appearance –-hence, the reason for naming the piece ‘Perception’.

The Coptic community of Zaraeeb, where the mural lives, was chosen deliberately. According to the artist, “the community, for decades, has been collecting the trash of the city and has developed the most efficient and highly profitable recycling system on a global level. However, the artist claims the place is perceived dirty, marginalized and segregated”.

The vivid giant mural, created in secrecy from the Egyptian government, took three weeks to complete.

el Seed’s work is exemplary street art with a profound message.

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