
South Sudan Women Demand Inclusion in Talks

SOUTH-SUDANESEA section of women from war torn South Sudan on Thursday called for inclusion in the ongoing peace talks in Addis Ababa Ethiopia between the warring factions. Former Minister for Public Affairs in the country Josephine Abalang said that the women will furnish the dialogue with adequate information on actual situation on the ground.

“We as women are not in any way part of the ongoing negotiations in Addis Ababa and we want to play a part in saving our beloved country. We want an inclusive process to achieve sustainable peace for everybody in our country which ought to be the priority for the meeting,” she argued.

“As women, we have experienced the war and we believe we have insights to offer the delegations,” explained Abalang.

Speaking to the press on Thursday afternoon, a representative of the South Sudanese women in Kenya, Jacqueline Loromo affirmed the former legislator’s words calling for the immediate release of the political detainees as a first measure towards solving the stalemate.

Loromo added that relief for the displaced persons is running out warning that a speedy solution should be reached to avert more deaths in the country.

“Our president Salva Kiir should stop the ongoing killings in Juba and accelerate the release of our brothers and sisters who are political detainees.”

“Leaders from both sides should further show true leadership by stopping the bloodletting and displacement of innocent civilians and bring a swift end to the current crisis,” she said.

The representative further condemned the use of military force saying it is aggravating the situation.

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