
Zimbabwe: South Africa to Process Special Permits for Zimbabweans

The South African government says it is now geared up for the processing of the new three-year special permits for Zimbabweans (ZSP) wishing to work or study in that country.

South Africa’s Home Affairs Minister Mr Malusi Gigaba announced on Thursday that all the Visa Facilitation Service centres had been activated for the processing of the permits which begins on 1 October.

“On the 12th of August, 2014, I announced the establishment of the Zimbabwean Special Permit (ZSP) of 2014 allowing Zimbabwean holders of this special permit to work, conduct business or study in South Africa for three years, until the end of December 2017.

“As explained then, only the approximately 245 000 holders of the Dispensation for Zimbabweans Project (DZP) are eligible to apply for the ZSP.

“As the Department of Home Affairs will begin accepting applications via the website for the ZSP on October 1, 2014, we would like to take this opportunity to update stakeholders and the public on the implementation of the ZSP.

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Article by By Thupeyo Muleya
Photo Credits: : Kristy Siegfried/IRIN


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