Art & CultureCulture & LifeEditors Choice

The Night of Everyday

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Scurrying around within an informal economy in a country that has gone through a long dictatorship and mischief, DR Congo’s population has set up a form of energy to overcome the difficulties they face. This image is reflective of the daily life of the people of Kinshasa – father, mother, child working hard at night in search of provision and means for the family.

To feed a family, educate the children, pay rent in a megalopolis like Kinshasa – when weighed against the source of income of these hawkers who peddle eggs in trays all night – is a story of hope that resonates with my whole story as well as my photographic work on the memory of my city. It is a story of resilience in a country where social justice is a gift for only a handful while the other category is subjected to an informal struggle to attain social peace in their lives.

For certain people, this work could be considered as one which portrays Kinshasa in an ugly light. However, for me, it points the lens of my camera on life in my city and its indigenes. It is to be a privileged witness of these joyful fighters who, at all odds, strive to overcome all challenges daily; to give smiles and hope to their offspring.

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