
Mehdi Sefrioui | Handing a Pink Slip to Fashion’s Black List

aa_mehdisefrioui_08-nggid043889-ngg0dyn-600x400x100-00f0w010c010r110f110r010t010 2Confronting the “outer boundaries” of racism in a supposed “post racist” society, specifically in the fashion world that has yet to display its colorblind style, keeping its colors blurry, Moroccan photographer Mehdi Serioui is said to have found “fashion house Moncler’s black cast at the Gamme Rouge SS 2014 show; ‘great and visually rare.’”

In what he calls the ‘Infro’ photography series he exhibits his inspirational work of an incredibly exquisite force of black male models said to be at the outskirts of Paris; each image pointing to what is claimed to be the “pink elephant” in the fashion room. Here, in his images, we find an elegantly poetic expression of black maleness that defies any set of rules or description, in the fashion or other world.

“Fashion will truly break rules when the authority it wields over our definitions of beauty find expression in more elegant proportions of what it means to be black, alongside white [ness].”

About the artist
Mehdi Sefrioui (b. Tangier, Morocco) is a fashion and art photographer based in Paris. He splits his time between the French capital and Tangier his hometown. Sefrioui got his start in 2010, encouraging his passion for the arts through street photography. Image making is a way to express life. Where in street photography Sefrioui aims to capture the ephemeral moments of life witnessed, through fashion he sees it as an apt vehicle for the imagination, a medium to express the human quest for true emotion beyond pure aesthetics and beauty.

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Full article and images available on Another Africa

One comment
  1. Bulo

    These images are heart-stopping! Thanks for this piece. I was not aware of the diversity in Morocco and plan to follow this artists work closely. Greetings from Nigeria.

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